Nicola Tesla Elvis Presley Charlie Chaplin Beethoven Yuri Gagarin Marilyn Monroe Pablo Picasso Luciano Pavarotti Albert Einstein Marie Curie
Find out the information and add two more names , then make a presentation card and ask and answer :
What was his/her name ? What was his/her profession ? Where was he/she from ? What nationality was he/she ? When was he/she born ? ROSALIA DE CASTRO .Writer/Poet .Galicia/Galician .1837-1885
Vocabulary : Jobs , Professions , Occupations .
64Irregular Verbs in groups of
16 verbs . Tests : .Monday 19th January .Monday 2nd February .Monday 9th February
IRREGULAR VERBS 1st Monday ,19th January SPANISH INFINITIVE PASTPAST PARTICIPLE Ir go went gone Ver see saw seen Hacer make made made Correr run ran run Decir/Contar tell told told Decir say said said Venir come camecome Hacer do did done Tener have had had Comprar buy bought bought Oir hear heard heard Dar givegave given Ser/Estar be was/were been Leer read read read Conocer/Encontrarsemeet met met Robar steal stole stolen
2ndMonday ,2nd February SPANISH INFINITIVEPAST P. PARTICIPLE Sentir feel felt felt Dormir sleepsleptslept Traer bringbroughtbrought Pensar thinkthoughtthought estar de pie stand stood stood Hablar speakspokespoken Entender understandunderstoodunderstood Escribir write wrote written Tomar,coger taketooktaken Romper breakbrokebroken Rasgar,romper tear toretorn Tirar,lanzar throw threw thrown Coger catch caughtcaught Construir buildbuiltbuilt Sentarse sit satsat Conducir drivedrovedriven 3rd Monday 9th February SPANISH INFINITIVEPAST P.PARTICIPLE Saber,conocer Know knew known Cantar sing sang sung Empezarbeginbegan begun Nadarswimswam swum Vendersell sold sold Montar en riderode ridden Comer eatate eaten Ganarwinwon won Volarflyflew flown Conseguir,obtener,logrargetgot got Encontrarfind found found Pelear fight fought fought Enviar,mandarsendsent sent Ser,estarbewas/were been Tener havehad had Pensar think thought thought